The outcomes of GEQ project presented at the Third ISA Forum of Sociology

The 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology took place in Vienna, form 10th to 14th July 2016. Two paper were presented:

Ewa Krzaklewska, Marta Warat

Precarity and Gender Equality – Experiences of Women and Men in Poland

The presentation will look into impact of structural change at the labour market on gender equality attitudes and practices .We will analyse the experiences of women and men in Poland and see what are the consequences of neoliberal state model and conditions of precarity on gender equality and quality of life of Polish women and men.

The research on social and economic effects of transformation and crisis in Poland indicates that women face more challenges: receive lower salaries, struggle to  be promoted or to improve their competences (Desperak 2009, Czerwińska, Łapniewska, Piotrowska 2010). However, the results of the project “Gender equality and quality of life”, indicate that the precarious situation at the labour market to some extent is experienced by both women and men .Lack of social security, lack of work stability, overburden, and constant availability demanded by employers are only a few factors illustrating  workers’ situation and its potential impact on other spheres of life (e .g .family life, civic engagement, retirement).

Through the usage of the qualitative (focus group interviews) and quantitative data (representative survey of Polish citizens) we will try to analyse impact of precarious work conditions on quality of life of women and men .How precarity is conceptualized by the study respondents? Is precarity differently experienced by both women and men? Should we search for the new indicators of gender equality, linked to work conditions, rather than using previous indicators (e .g .salary level, position in hierarchy) created in the different structural conditions of the labour market? What strategies have been used to cope with precarious condition?



Ewa Krzaklewska, Marta Warat, Barbara Woźniak

Gender Equality and Quality of Life in Older Age

Gender equality (GE) and quality of life (QoL) are rarely studied together. GE is usually studied with respect to people in reproductive age and the number of studies aiming at investigation of the impact that GE could have on QoL of older people is scarce .QoL as determined by ageing process is widely discussed in the literature. Positive ageing is defined as an ability to maintain social relationships, cognitive  efficacy,  social  competence,  personal  control,  etc.  Among  the  dimensions of QoL most frequently mentioned by older people themselves there are social contacts within and outside the family, happiness, etc .It should be investigated if GE can be seen as potentially contributing to the higher QoL of older people and if older age is a period in life when individuals may strive for achieving greater GE in order to lead more satisfactory and healthy lives .

Within this context our study ‘Gender equality and quality of life-how gender equality can contribute to development in Europe .A study of Poland and Norway’ focuses on GE and QoL hypothesizing that GE is a major factor for improving both men and women’s QoL. In order to explore GE and its impact on QoL in older age we have conducted FGIs with older participants, asking them about their own experience with gender in/equality, costs and benefits of in/equality, areas of in/equality, QoL, social policies and their results on the lives of men and women, etc .The aim of the presentation is to discuss selected results of FGIs.


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Published Date: 08.09.2016
Published by: Anna Ratecka