Prezentacje wyników projektu na konferencji Społeczeństwo a płeć - problemy, wyzwania, perspektywy badawcze

Konferencja odbyła się na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim w dniach 11-12 października 2018

Profesor Krystyna Slany wygłosiła wykład plenarny "Gender w kontekście migracyjnym", uwzględniając w nim również kwestie równości płci i wyniki projektu GEQ.

Natomiast dr Ewa Krzaklewska z Eweliną Ciaputą o równości płci w dzieciństwie i wpływie tych doświadczeń na postawy w dorosłym życiu (na podstawie danych projektu GEQ - link;, a prof. Krystyna Slany z Anna Ratecką o praktykowaniu równości płci w polskich rodzinach.

Więcej szczwegółów można znaleźć na stronie konferencji:

Published Date: 19.11.2018
Published by: Anna Ratecka

Article by Marta Warat i Trine Korsvik in NORA

The article  "Framing Leave for Fathers in Norway and Poland: Just a Matter of Gender Equality?" by Marta Warat and Trine Korsvik was published in NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research. It was elaborated on the basis of outcomes of WP2 concerning the GE policy in Poland and Norway.

The article is available online.



How has leave for fathers been framed during periods of intensive public debates in Norway and Poland? Recognizing that childcare policy is one of the key aspects of social citizenship, the article examines justifications for adopting paternity and parental leave schemes by mapping master and minor frames in various policy documents and newspaper articles. In Norway, periods of leave earmarked for fathers have been in operation for more than 20 years and comprise 10 weeks with full wage compensation in 2016. In Poland a two-week period of paid leave for fathers with full compensation was introduced in 2010. In both countries, fathers are also entitled to share parental leave with mothers. Our argument is that despite the different political, financial, and social context in the two countries, the discussions in Norway and Poland reveal certain similarities with regard to framing fathers' leave as a degenderizing policy tool. In both countries, leave periods for fathers have been promoted as a means for changing masculinity and fatherhood, as well as a measure for advancing gender equality in the labour market. However, the analysis also shows that there are differences. While in Norway fathers' schemes are increasingly seen as a tool to close the gendered pay gap, their potential for responding to demographic challenges has been central in Polish debates.