Analysis of Gender Equality Policy in Norway by Trine Korsvik

This paper deals with the ideals and practices of gender equality (GE) policies in Norway, focusing on government policy in recent decades. The Equality Commission limited their evaluation of the GE policy to parity schemes and mainstreaming strategies. In this paper, welfare state policies towards the reconciliation of work and family and other gender equality reforms will also be taken into account.

WP 2.1 Gender equality policies in Norway: "Everybody's job, nobody's responsibility"?


Analysis Comparing Norwegian and Polish Gender Equality Policy by Marta Warat and Trine Korsvik

Analysis comparing Polish and Norwegian gender equality policies was presented at NORA Conference in November 2014.

Presentation is available here.

The working paper will be elaborated as a scientific article.

Development of Gender Equality Policies in Poland. A review of success and limitations by Marta Warat

Gender equality policy is still a new phenomenon in Poland. The collapse of communism in Poland influenced the gender order in the country. After 1989, the gender policy was seen as a remnant of communism and state-socialist policies. As a result, the democratic transformation reinforced the traditional vision of women as mothers and wives, their marginalisation in the public sphere as well as the rise of anti-feminist discourses and problems with achieving women's emancipation. It is no surprise that equality policy had no chance of becoming a significant policy issue.

The aim of this report is to investigate how gender equality has been introduced in Polish legislation and the policy-making process.

WP2.2_Development of Gender Equality Policies in Poland. A review of success and limitations

Reproductive Rights and Gender Equality in Poland after 1989 by Ewelina Ciaputa

The analysis prepared by Ewelina Ciaputa presents the implementation of public policies in Poland after 1989 in the area of sexual and reproductive health in the context of gender equality.


WP2.3. Reproductive_Rights_and_Gender_Equality_in_Poland_after_1989 and Annex