Comparing gender attitudes of Polish migrants and non migrants - prezentacja Ewy Krzaklewskiej, Lihong Huang i Pauli Pustułki podczas konferencji projektu TRANSFAM

Ewa Krzaklewska razem z Lihong Huang i Paulą Pustułką zaprezentowały referat pod tytułem "Migrating towards gender equality? Comparing survey data on gender attitudes of Polish migrants and non-migrants" porównujący wyniki projektów GEQ i TRANSFAM.

Prezentację można zobaczyć tutaj.

Informacje o konferencji dostępne są na stronie internetowej projektu TRANSFAM.


The paper revisits the debate on the relationship between international mobility and progress in the realm of equality between men and women. Engaging with the hypothesis claiming that moving to a more gender-egalitarian country leads to more emancipatory strategies and progressive changes within family/couple dynamics, we examine survey datasets of GEQ a nd Transfam studies. While GEQ - Gender Equality and Quality of Life project featured a representative sample of the Polish population, the Transfam research on "doing family" in the Polish-Norwegian transnationality has collected responses to a web survey from Polish migrant couples and parents in Norway. In this paper, we analyse and compare both gender equality attitudes and family practices of Poles in Poland vis à vis Poles in Norway. We discuss opinions about the meaning and necessity of equality, as well as determine the actual declared gendered divisions of labour among migrant and non migrant couples. Ultimately, we identify various factors that facilitate or hinder the shift towards gender equality for Poles, as well as point to the effects of moving from Poland to Norway arguably "the most gender equal country in the world".














fot. Dorota Wołujczyk

Data opublikowania: 14.06.2016
Osoba publikująca: Anna Ratecka

Prezentacja wyników projektu GEQ na konferencji w "Women and men facing everyday challanges. Work and life demands in the context of gender" w Łodzi

W dniach 19-21 maja 2016 w Łodzi odbyła się konferencja "Women and men facing everyday challanges. Work and life demands in the context of gender". Podczas tej konferencji Marta Warat przedstawiła referat przedstawiający wyniki projektu GEQ z zakresu równości płci na rynku pracy i jakości życia.

Więcej szczegółów dotyczących konferencji można znaleźć a stronach internetowych organizatorów.

Data opublikowania: 14.06.2016
Osoba publikująca: Anna Ratecka

Seminarium GEQ w dniach 27-28 stycznia

Podczas seminarium zespół projektu GEQ dyskutował o wynikach sondażu oraz planował konferencję podsumowującą projekt.

Data opublikowania: 14.03.2016
Osoba publikująca: Ewa Krzaklewska

Prof. Krystyna Slany na konferencji w Poznaniu

W dniu 5 listopada 2015 roku na Wydziale Nauk Społecznych UAM odbyła się konferencja zatytułowa Role rodzinne - między przystosowaniem a kreacją podczas której prof. dr hab. Krystyna Slany przedstawiła prezentację "Życie rodzinne i równość płci".

Data opublikowania: 19.11.2015
Osoba publikująca: Ewelina Ciaputa

Zapraszamy na seminarium projektu GEQ w Oslo

W dniu 23 września na Uniwersytecie w Oslo odbędzie się otwarte seminarium projektu GEQ. W ramach seminarium badacze i badaczki GEQ zaprezentują wyniki badań sondażowych oraz badań jakościowych (analiza mediów, badania fokusowe).

Więcej informacji o wydarzeniu można zleźć tutaj:

Data opublikowania: 13.09.2015
Osoba publikująca: Ewelina Ciaputa

Ewa Krzaklewska na konferencji ESA 2015

Ewa Krzaklewska, badaczka w projekcie GEQ, zaprezentowała wyniki badań fokusowych podczas tegorocznej konferencji Europejskiego Towarzystwa Socjologicznego w Pradze. Prezentacja przygotowana przez Ewę Krzaklewską, Martę Warat i Aleksandrę Migalską została przedstawiona w ramach sesji RN33 "Gender Relations in Public and Private Spheres". 

Data opublikowania: 13.09.2015
Osoba publikująca: Ewelina Ciaputa

dr Trine Korsvik na konferencji w Szwecji

Dr Trine Korsvik - badaczka z Uniwersytetu w Oslo - partnera w projekcie GEQ, w dniach 19-21 sierpnia uczestniczyła w konferencji zatytułowanej XI Nordiska kvinno- och genushistorikermötet. W ramach konferencji wygłosiła referat "Social movements and the development of gender equality policies since the early 1980s – comparing Norway and Poland".

Więcej informacji o konferencji można znaleźć tutaj:

Data opublikowania: 13.09.2015
Osoba publikująca: Ewelina Ciaputa

Seminarium projektu GEQ w Oslo (17-19 czerwca 2015)

Zespół projektu GEQ w dniach 17-19 czerwca 2015 spotkał się w Oslo, aby omówić nadchodzące zadania w projekcie oraz zaprezentować wstepne wyniki badań z wywiadów fokusowych. 

W seminarium wzięli udział: prof. Oystein Holter, dr Trine Korsvik, mgr Ewelina Ciaputa, mgr Ewa Krzaklewska, mgr Aleksandra Migalska, dr Marta Warat, dr Barbara Woźniak oraz dr Piotr Brzyski. W pierwszym dniu seminarium przedyskutowane najważniejsze wyniki z analizy danych jakościowych (wywiadów fokusowych oraz analizy mediów) oraz omówiono nadchodzące wydarzenia związane z realizacją projektu. Drugiego dnia skupiono się na debacie dot. projektu pracy doktorskiej mgr Aleksandry Migalskiej oraz ustalano podział pracy i plan analizy wyników badań sondażowych.

Data opublikowania: 22.06.2015
Osoba publikująca: Ewelina Ciaputa

Konferencja Sex and Capital w Rovaniemi, Finlandia

W czwartek 4 czerwca dr Marta Warat przedstawiła prezentację zatytułowaną "Democracy, equality policy and war on gender in Poland" w ramach sesji Feminist Politics and Resistances. 

Pełny program konferencji dostępny jest tutaj

Data opublikowania: 05.06.2015
Osoba publikująca: Ewelina Ciaputa

Badaczki GEQ na konferencji "Kobieta w kulturze" (Gdańsk)

Prof. Krystyna Slany, dr Marta Warat, Ewa Krzaklewska oraz norweska badaczka dr Trine Korsvik wezmą udział w konferencji organizowanej przez Uniwersytet Gdański (6-7 marca 2015). 

Podczas pierwszego dnia konferencji Ewa Krzaklewska zaprezentuje referat zatytułowany Exploring the potential of Focus Group Interviews in studying gender equality - feminist approach as a step ahead, natomiast dr Trine Korsvik wystąpi z prezentacją zatytułowaną Social movements and the development of gender equality – the case of Norway and Poland (obu badaczek będzie można posłuchać w ramach sesji Polish migrants. Part 1).

Tego samego dnia, dr Marta Warat i Ewa Krzaklewska zaprezentują efekt wspólnej pracy w postaci wystąpienia noszącego tytuł Does gender equality work for a better life? w ramach sesji Social change & migration.

Więcej informacji o konferencji można znaleźć tutaj.



Data opublikowania: 05.03.2015
Osoba publikująca: Ewelina Ciaputa

Sesja "Gender Equality and Quality of Life" na konferencji Quality of Life: A Challange for Social Policy

W ramach konferencji Quality of Life: A Challange for Social Policy, która odbędzie się w Bukareszcie (Rumunia) w dniach 23-25 kwietnia 2015 badaczki projektu GEQ poprowadzą sesję zatytułową "Gender Equality and Quality of Life". W ramach sesji zaplanowano następujące wystąpienia:

  • Ewa Krzaklewska, Marta Warat - Gender equality and quality of life: individual perspectives, experiences and projects
  • Hsiu-hua Shen - Transnational Family and Gendered Quality of Life
  • Elena Zamfir - Towards a new paradigm in gender equality. From feminist propaganda to gender mainstreaming policies
  • Georgiana Virginia Bonea - Violence in the couple relationship: the features characteristics of the domestic aggressor.
  • Ewelina Ciaputa - Gender equality, reproductive rights and quality of life in Poland.
  • Bianca Buligescu, Lex Borghans, Didier Fouarge - Occupational segregation and gender pay gap in the European Union.
Program konferencji dostępny jest na stronie:
Data opublikowania: 21.04.2015
Osoba publikująca: Ewelina Ciaputa

Prezentacja dr Trine Korsvik i dr Marty Warat podczas konferencji NORA, Roskilde 5-6 listopad 2014

Konferencja  NORA - Voices in Nordic Gender Research w Roskilde była pierwszą tego typu konferencją, na której badacze i badaczki z krajów skandynawskich oraz zajmujących się problematyką tego regionu mieli okazję dyskutować nad kwestiami związanymi z badaniem płci społeczno-kulturowej. 

Dr Marta Warat (UJ) i dr Trine Rogg Korsvik (STK UiO) zaprezentowały wyniki analizy polityk dotyczących równości płci w Polsce i Norwegii. Ich wspólny refera zatytułowany  "Gender equality policies in Norway and Poland: Building better societies, exported good or imposed regulation?" został wygłoszony w ramach panelu Departures & arrivals. Global voices entangling the Nordic.

Treść prezentacji można znaleźć tutaj.

Seminarium GEQ 6-7 październik 2014

Seminarium było przede wszystkim poświęcone pracy nad kwestionariuszem ankiety przygotowywanym w ramach projektu. Dyskutowane były kwestie ram teoretycznych dla kwestionariusza oraz poszczególnych tematów, które będą przedmiotem badania, w tym różne wymiary równości płci (rodzina, praca, życie publiczne) oraz ich związek z jakością życia.

Data opublikowania: 08.10.2014
Osoba publikująca: Ewelina Ciaputa

Badaczki GEQ na kongresie International Sociological Association w Yokohamie

Konsgres ISA to największa socjologiczna konferencja na świecie. Gromadzi naukowców  z całego świata i pozwala na wymianę poglądów i śledzenie najnowszych trendów w światowej socjologii. Badaczki projektu GEQ - Krystyna Slany, Marta Warat, Ewa Krzaklewska i Anna Ratecka wzięły aktywny udział w kongresie, poprzez organizację sesji "Theoretical and Methodological Challenges in the Study of Different Dimensions and Aspects of Inequality" w ramach Research Committee "Logic and Methodology in Sociology". Ponadto Marta Warat wygłosiła referat "Gender Equality Policy Revisted. The case of Poland and Norway".



Data opublikowania: 22.09.2014
Osoba publikująca: Ewelina Ciaputa

Konferencja "Kobiety i mężczyźni w postrodzinnym świecie" na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim

W dniu 9 kwietnia w Łodzi odbyła się konferencja badaczy/ek relacji rodzinnych i intymnych pt. "Kobiety i mężczyźni w postrodzinnym świecie". Konferencja ta była okazją do zaprezentowania najnowszych osiągnieć w dziedzinie socjologii rodziny. Wśród uczestników byli m. in. Tomasz Szlędak, Małgorzata Sikorska, Anna Kwak, Joanna Mizielińska. 

Szczegółowe informacje można znaleźć na stronie konferencji tutaj.

Podczas konferencji został zaprezentowany referat Anny Rateckiej i Ewy Krzaklewskiej pod tytułem "Władza w rodzinie a równość płci – refleksja teoretyczno-metodologiczna", dotyczący metodologicznych aspektów badania władzy w związkach intymnych. Referat ten jest częścią raportu State of Art przygotowywanego w ramach WP1.

Prezentacja do ściągnięcia tutaj.

Data opublikowania: 22.04.2014
Osoba publikująca: Ewelina Ciaputa

Wystąpienia zaprezentowane podczas seminarium w Oslo 5-6 grudnia 2013

» Prezentacja Beaty Kowalskiej, Marty Warat i Aleksandry Migalskiej

Who won Polish Tranformation

The Polish transformation was/ and still is a local version of Structural Adjustment Programmes (introduced by World Bank and Monetary Fund) with all consequences known all over the world. The cutbacks in expenditures on health services and education hit woman with double power. They not only lost jobs in the most feminized fragments of labour market, but also variety of state's tasks and responsibilities in the care, health, or education were moved into private sphere. Now there are family problems, which means in everyday life problems of women. They – as research stated – are responsible now for care of the elderly and disabled or diseased members of family.  In such context questions on gender consequences of neoliberal reforms are raised. New system without doubts resulted in new opportunities for educated and wealthy woman, but on the other hand it caused huge inequalities among woman from different classes and social groups.

Poland paid lip service to formal (de jure) gender equality (by including sex equality provisions in the new constitution or assuming international human rights treaty obligations including the CEDAW), but  gender equality as a theory and practice faces two distinctive sets of political/cultural forces seeking to undermine and delegitimize women's rights.  One set consists of conservatives, populist nationalists, and traditional religious institutions. We describe them as a ‘backlash trinity' (the backlash trinity's opposition gender equality resulted in delegitimazation it politically, legally, and culturally).  The other set consists of neo-liberals.  They support allegedly neutral economic policy prescriptions which, in fact, have significant political, legal, social and cultural discriminatory consequences for women. By redefining social and ethical life in accordance with economic criteria and expectations, neo-liberalism endorses market exchange as a guide for all human actions.  Freedom (rather than justice or equality) is its fundamental political value.  Government's role, then, is limited to the protection of the competitive behaviour of economically rational individuals (who) provide for their own needs and service their own ambitions.

On the one hand, the transformation created new possibilities for women to participate in the public sphere and labour market, gave them the language of rights and started the discussion about the role and place of women in society. On the other hand, despite the fact that the situation of women has been improving, the model adopted in Poland didn't lead to gender equality. As the researches show, women didn't benefit from the transformation as far as the participation in the labour market, political and public sphere are concerned. The main areas were also summarized in a more detailed way to show that:

  • The employment rate is lower among women than man.
  • Women are more likely to work part time.
  • Women are prone to unemployment (especially long-term unemployment) than men and they are also believed to cope better with the unemployment than men.
  • There is horizontal and vertical segregation in the labour market.
  • The salaries paid to man and woman who are on the same/similar position are also different: man can earn 1/3 more than woman (gender wage gap).
  • Feminization of poverty.
  • The retirement pension is lower for women.
  • Insufficient number of kindergartens and high fee for kindergartens create new barriers for poor families and especially women.
  • Presidential election: since the collapse of communism in Poland, we had 61 candidates for a president in 5 elections (1990, 1995, 2000,2005,2010) out of which we had only 2 women.
  • Only 1 women as the Prime Minister.
  • Ministers (1998-2009): 395 but only 35 women.

Trying to look at the perspectives of change in the future, it is reasonable to analyze how the development programmes for Poland are going to reflect the issues of gender equality.  In Poland 2030. Development Challenges. A Long-term Strategy of Developing Poland, Polish government identifies, describes, offers diagnosis in the key areas of developmental challenges and designs Poland's path of development by recommending directions of state policy in response to these challenges. But from the feminist critique point of view, the document has rather anti-democratic change resulting character and will reinforce the existing inequalities,  caused by the neoliberal assumptions such as:

  • all social life dimensions relying on the economic rationality (despite mentioned above failure and discreditation of such ontology in social and political thinking),
  • fragmenting and reducing citizens to utilitarian roles and functions,
  • withdrawal from the human rights discourse into "claim, demands and privileges" language,
  • blaming marginalized groups for the situation of exclusion and shifting the responsibility for getting through into the forces of "society"
  • progressive  state's withdrawal  from the public sectors and welfare state policies
  • transferring the cost of the developmental change into the weakest and already unprivileged.

From the gender equality lens perspective, Poland 2030 is going to intensify inequalities and existing discrimination practices, and in case of women, the crucial areas of omission must be emphasized: equality and anti-discrimination social education programmes; diagnosis and counteraction for the pre-existing inequalities on the labour market; economic review of the women's role as "care-securers" and in parenting duties organization and its consequences; and consideration of such domains of women/s experience like violence or poverty. There is a need for continuous and persistent critique perspective on states politics, struggling against neoliberal framework which ignores multidimensional character of exclusion of men and women, especially its interconnections to socioeconomic status.

» Prezentacja Oysteina Holtera

Norwegian model of gender equality research

This presentation gave an overview of Norwegian gender equality (GE) research development and potentials for GEQ development. GE indexes like The Gender Gap Index (with Norway at a .84 score, Poland at .70 in 2013) have been important for research development, yet they remain limited and narrow. There have few variables, mainly from professional life, lack informal and private life measures, and have been focus mainly on women. The Norway model is a more extensive approach with many variables and subdimensions including informal life measures, a specific focus on men as well as women, and combination of quantitative and qualitative methods.  Steps in this development were outlined, including the first ‘role of men in gender equality' type of survey, Men in Norway 1988; the Men's Life Connections qualitative follow-up 1993; the Equal Worth survey 1994; the Nordic Innovation project 2007, and others.

The research contributed to reforms like paternal leave (1993) and had public debate and media effects e g through publication of surprising findings (examples were presented).  

The new ideas of the Gender equality and quality of life 2007 survey were summarized. The survey used a long questionnaire designed with gender in/equality as the key issue (not as an add-on to other issues). It had a fairly large sample (N 2805), equal focus on men and women, and a biographical questionnaire design. It had a multidimensional approach to GE including distinction between norms and practices, material contexts, different discrimination forms, health and quality of life. Some parts of the new design were later further developed in the international project Images. Some main results from the survey were presented, including GE effects on quality of life  and reduced violence.  

The last part of the presentation concerned implications for GEQ, and further input to the kickoff discussions. Issues of survey quality, response rate, mapping "silent zones", culture and beliefs were briefly outlined.

» Prezentacja Kari Solbrakke

Social humanistic approach to health and gender equality

Presentation by Kari Solbreakke about the most important aspects of humanistic approach to health and its connection to gender eqaulity issues.

» Prezentacja Beaty Tobiasz-Adamczyk

Quality of life

Over  the last decades several concepts and definitions of quality of life have been developed. The majority of the  definitions described quality of life as the degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction felt by people with various aspects of their life, or happiness or unhappiness, a person's sense of well-being in relation to the individual persons' experience and life situation reflecting individual's well-being (Abrams,1973, Campell 1976, Dalkey and Rurke 1973, Geoge and Bearon 1980) defined quality of life in terms of four dimensions: two objective (general health status and functional status and socioeconomic status) and two subjective (subjective evaluation of life satisfaction and self-esteem), or as the possession of resources necessary to the satisfaction of individual needs, wants and desires, participation in activities  enabling personal development and self- actualization (Shin & Johnson ,1978). A. Sen (1993) defined quality of live  as "living", as a combination of various doing and being, assessed in terms of the capability to achieve valuable functioning (being in good health, achieving self-respect or being socially integrated).

Several tools measuring different dimensions of quality of life have been concentrated on objective and subjective indicators of quality of life (on population level as well as on  individual level). Developed models showed that multifaced and multidimensional approach to quality of life.

Simultaneously the concept of health related quality of life has been formulated, which defined quality of life as a individual's perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value system in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns (a broad ranging concept  affected in a complex way by the person's physical health, psychological state, level of independence, social relationships and their relations to salient features of their environment (WHOQOL Group 1993).

» Prezentacja Ewy Krzaklewskiej

Reflections on methodology

The focus of the presentation was the methodology of the research to be conducted within GEQ project. First of all, it consisted of the presentation of the research plan of the project with detailed objectives and themes presentation. This part stressed the important of linking diverse parts of the projects as well as critical reflection on the method used. Second part of the talk presented the results of the reflection on the Norway 07 model of study of gender equality in relation to the project aims. The presentation discussed such issues as:

  1. The inclusion of the context of research into research plan - diverse attitudes towards GE in No and PL constitute very important framework of our research, additionally value systems in both countries are critical to reflect on while preparing the survey. The understanding and evaluation of some concepts may differ as well (e.g. family-centred society).
  2. The question concerning measurement of gender equality as intrasubjective experience (self-evaluation) or ‘objective' situation measurement using researchers' criteria like in Norway 07), and possibly their diverse impact on health outcomes.
  3. Measurement of gender equality practices – what level to include? (daily practices versus extraordinary practices shaping GE, comp. Diversia 2011).
  4. Capturing gender power relation – impact of methodology on the results (studying individuals or households), power as a process which is difficult to capture. The potential of qualitative methods was stressed (comp. World Bank 2010). Are gender power relations active also within parents-children relations?
  5. Resource distribution – necessity to create a better index, including other aspects together with income.
  6. Gendered spaces impacting health –it is important to include not only family/household inequality, but also workplace experience of inequality (comp. Diversia 2011) as well as civic space engagement (comp. Kowalska 2013). Community attitudes are also important context of individual experiences of GE.